Fairy Creek Magic Bookmark

Fairy Creek Magic Bookmark

  • A lovely bookmark to help you keep your spot!

  • Product dimensions:  5.72 cm x 21.59 cm (2.25 x 8 .5 inches)

  • All proceeds will be donated to the “Defense of Indigenous Land BIPOC fund -Fairy Creek” Go Fund Me at https://gofund.me/922d9bbb

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I have not touched my watercolours in a long time but I needed to capture the emotions I felt walking through Eden Grove. This whole area used to be filled with lush thriving forests, but all of our province’s productive Old Growth forests have been logged leaving this last 2.7% in Fairy Creek. These 1000+ year old trees are not renewable. It was heartbreaking driving through clearcut lots to get here. It was a relief to finally sit in an untouched Old Growth forest. I watched the light dance through the canopy and listened to the gentle groan of these Ancient Giants swaying in the wind. These forests have magic in them and are filled with so much life and beauty! They are scared and need to be protected. 


The provincial NDP government promised to protect Old Growth Forests. Instead of keeping their promises, they have deployed military RCMP against peaceful Land Defenders who stand with the Pacheedaht people in defending their unceded territories. I am ashamed and disgusted to see RCMP illegally denying media access during arrests, violently targeting Indigenous youth and holding them in unacceptable conditions. I am not able to join our Land Defenders in the frontlines, so please join me in supporting them from afar.

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Fairy Creek Magic

from CA$31.25