Doug Day Field

Doug Day Field

from CA$4.46

Art prints are:

  •  Printed on premium smooth 51lb matte paper

  • Hand trimmed

  • Signed on the back

  • Packed with a stiff backing board and clear sleeve

  • Shipped in a stayflat mailer

Postcards are:

  • Printed on luxurious 130 lb premium paper 

  • Matte coating on one side

Product dimensions: 

    • Postcard: 12 x 12 cm (4.72 x 4.72 inches)

    • Small: 20.32 x 20. 32 cm (8 x 8 inches)

    • Large: 25.4 x 25.4 cm (10 x 10 inches)

Please note:

  • Orders will be dispatched within five business days

  • Colours may look different due to lighting and screen variations

  • Does not include the mat and frame

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My parents owned a restaurant when I was growing up and spent most of their time there so time spent playing together in the evenings and weekends was precious. When it snowed we’d go tobogganing on the nearby hill. When it was sunny we’d run through the sprinklers and head over to the playground. We used to charge up this tiny hill (that has since been paved over) at Torquay Elementary on our bikes when Dad was teaching us how to bike. I used to go to school in Ontario and whenever I’d come back to visit on holidays, seeing “my field” and sitting on the Doug Day Field sign with my parents as the sun set always filled me with relief. This whole area is filled with a lifetime of memories. Even after two years, when I look at this illustration I’m filled with such a deep sense of “home” and “belonging”. It’s always such a surprise when people buy prints or postcards of this one because it feels like such a specific and mundane spot.

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